Oresti, ola ta akaria boroune na zoune mono an tha broune ygrasia kai thermograsia. Afou pano apo 1500 metra den exei pia tin katalili ygrasia ta acaria pethenoune. Oso omos einai akoma meza sta poulia px pou tha broune tin ygrasia kai tin katalili thermograsia den pethenoune.
Edo ena komati apo tin Wikipedia:
The mite survives in all climates, except at high altitudes where reproduction is halted. If trying to control mites and other indoor pathogens for which water is a gating factor, it is relative humidity that is important. This is because water condenses out of air onto a surface only when the air at that surface contains more water than it can hold at that temperature. When warm, moist air contacts a cool surface, the air touching that surface may cool and give up some of its moisture to condense on the surface. When humidity is less than optimal, mites function more slowly, eventually become dormant and may die.