Φροντίδα Χρήσιμες συμβουλές απο τη Nathalie Roberts

  • Θεματοθέτης Θεματοθέτης Wind-sa
  • Ημερομηνία Ημερομηνία


PB Member
7 Μαρ 2008
Εδω και δυο μέρες μου στέλνουν στο e-mail κάποιες χρήσιμες συμβουλές απο το http://
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Οποίος ενδιαφέρετε ασ να ρίξει μια ματιά και αμα θέλει να γραφθεί.

You will discover tips for

* Making your Parrot talk
* Teaching it to do tricks
* Taking care of its diet
* Potty training your Parrot
* Giving proper exercise to your Parrot

and a lot, lot more!

So, without wasting any more time, let's begin with
today's topic - which is all about
how to make your Parrot talk.

In order to teach your Parrot to talk,
you will need to devise ways and means to entice
your Parrot to imitate new sounds.

As you will discover, teaching the first word to your
Parrot is always the most difficult.

Once you have crossed that hurdle, things become
a lot easier!

Firstly, as you probably know, Parrots
do not have a vocabulary of their own.

They will learn to talk only by imitating what they

And to help them practice certain sounds, you have
to diligently repeat phrases and words.

The more they hear certain words, the more likely
they are to mimic them.

A major factor that could hamper your Parrot's
talking ability could be the fact that you are not
interacting with him enough.

Laboratory studies show that Parrots
learn best with social interaction.

If your Parrot is slow to learn new
words, you need to ensure that you are interacting
with him for sufficient periods.

Just like any young children, Parrots
too need adequate stimulation AND the necessary
responses to encourage them to progress.

During a one-on-one training session, you can interact
with the bird to include 'Association', which is one of
the best methods of training a Parrot
to talk.

It can be done casually or deliberately. Repeat similar
types of word with animation each time you do
something, while your favorite pet watches attentively.

For example, say 'see you later!' when you leave the
house, or 'good to see you!' when you return.

After a while, the Parrot will associate
these phrases with your arrival and departure. It will
cheerily wave you goodbye, and give an equally
enthusiastic welcome!

The best way to encourage your Parrot
to imitate you is to introduce huge amounts of enthusiasm
and excitement in your voice.

If you repeat a desired response in an excited tone,
with enough clarity, the bird will soon be imitating
those words.

When he does that, you must reward him for giving the
desired response. For a Parrot does not
talk with the aim to converse. He just wants your attention
and approval.

To enable him to imitate human sounds, speak clearly
and loudly, emphasizing each syllable.

Words said with zeal - using hard consonants - are easy
for Parrots to learn.

Also, you must refrain from using foul language within
the hearing distance of your Parrot.

We often end up saying profane words distinctly, with a
lot of passion and very loudly. And the Parrots
find them very easy to mimic.

Getting rid of this unwanted vocabulary is a mighty
task that needs a great deal of knowledge, patience and
consistency. You are better off avoiding it altogether
by remembering never to use profane words near your

That's all the time that we have for today. I will send
the next email to you in a couple of days. It will talk
about how to teach your Parrot to do

Of course, you will find hundreds of such secret
training tips and techniques for making your Parrot
talk in the full version of my brand new Parrot
training course that has quickly become all the rage in
the Parrot community on the Internet.

The full version of my training course will cover
dozens of different secrets on making your Parrot talk
that I couldn't possibly cover in a single email - so
if you are serious about teaching your Parrot to talk,
please check out the full version of my training course
right away at:
Discover an Explosive New Parrot Training System

Thanks and best regards,
Nathalie Roberts
Discover an Explosive New Parrot Training System

P.S. Please do check out the full version of my
training course before you close this email - it really
is required reading for anyone who owns a Parrot
or is thinking of buying one.

Discover an Explosive New Parrot Training System

και το σημερινό...

Welcome to Day 2 of your Parrot Training
Mini Course.

Today, we'll talk about how to teach your Parrot to
do tricks!

You should first start off by teaching your Parrot to
do tricks that involve usage of their natural abilities
such as the wave, wings up, lying on their backs etc.

You can then slowly graduate to "unnatural" activities
that will require more time, patience, and repetition.

By acquainting your Parrot, to simple
tricks, you can easily teach it 'how to learn' and make
it follow your command.

You should keep in mind the following points when you
are teaching your Parrot to do tricks:

1. A Parrot acts in response much more
readily to visual nod than to a verbal connotation. The
verbal instructions force the Parrot to
pay attention, and give the trainer attention.

2. Once it has taken hold of a particular idea, move on
to another trick. Do not indulge into the game with endless
repetition. Make the lessons as exciting as possible.

3. When your bird displays the desired behavior, reward
him. Your Parrot will not repeat any actions
for which it has not been compensated earlier. So, always
compensate your Parrot whenever it has
successfully completed a trick.

Here's an example of a trick that you can teach your
Parrot to perform:


To teach your Parrot to "wave", wiggle the
fingers of your right hand as if creating a small wave.

Say "wave" or whatever verbal cue you wish to pronounce
to make the Parrot wave.

Offer your hand/finger for the bird to step-on. Watch carefully,
as it will try to step forward onto your hand. However, you
must not actually let it do that!

Every time it lifts its left foot, pull your hand away.

Soon it will get a feeling that all it has to do to dig up the
reward is to raise its left foot only.

You no longer need to call him to step on your hand.
Just wave your fingers back and forth and the bird
should tentatively raise its foot.

When you Parrot gets the foot as high
as you think it is going to and then starts to drop, reward
it imMEDIAtely, and you have the beginning of the wave.

Do this only until the bird is lifting its foot

Well, that's all the time that we have for today. I
will send the next email to you in a couple of days. It will
talk about how to take care of your Parrot's

Of course, as I mentioned earlier, you will find
hundreds of such secret training tips and techniques in
the full version of my new Parrot training
course. You will also discover more tricks that you can
teach your Parrot (for instance, the full
version of my training course will teach you how to train
your Parrot to shake hands with you!)

So, if you are serious about teaching your Parrot
to talk and do tricks, please check out the full version of my
training course right away at:
Discover an Explosive New Parrot Training System

Thanks and best regards,
Nathalie Roberts
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