θα ήθελα να μοιραστώ μαζί σας τις πληροφορίες για ένα σκεύασμα ''LIVE'' προβιοτικών μέσα από την αναζήτησή μου στο διαδίκτυο που τα θεώρησα πολύ ενδιαφέροντα! Δυστυχώς επειδή δεν έχω τον υπολογιστή μου στη διάθεσή μου αυτές τις μέρες και μπαίνω net από ξένο μηχάνημα δεν προλαβαίνω να μεταφράσω! Σας ζητώ συγνώμη για αυτό και ελπίζω να έχω την ανοχή σας!
AVI-CULTURE™ is a Live Probiotic that was specifically developed for birds!
AVI-CULTURE™ offers aviculturists, vets, zoo curators, and pet owners the finest Probiotic on the market with bacterial counts of over 100 million living organisms for the avian intestine per gram! It is over 100 times more effective than most other probiotic products on the market today!
AVI-CULTURE™ is produced using proven, field-tested microorganisms that have been shown to implant on the villi of the intestinal tract in birds: Lacto-bacillus acidophilus, produces lactic acid and the enzyme amylase during the growth phase of birds; Lactobacillus casei enjoys a wide temperature and pH range during growth and complements L. acidophilus producing lactic acid and amylase in birds; Bifidobacterium bifidium, a delicate microorganism found in mother's milk and human, animal and bird intestines; Enterococcus faecium for lactic acid production in pH ranges of birds similar to L. casei.
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed after any antibiotic treatment of birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for all stressed or sick birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed if birds are “going light”
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed before, during & after the breeding season
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed before, during and after the molt
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed during shipping or exhibiting all birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for “plugged or pasted-up vents”
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed to develop an immunity from pathogens in all birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for all aging birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for prevention of “PMS” Premature Mortality Syndrome
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed to increase & maintain the OPTIMAL HEALTH OF ALL BIRDS
Remember...a little goes a LONG way! REALLY!
AVI-CULTURE is available in 1/2oz, 2oz, 5oz, 10oz and 20oz bottle.
Each 1 gram measure contains over 300 million colony forming units
of living microorganisms avian strain Lactobacillus acidophilus
Storage should be below 50degrees F. All live L. Lactobacillus acidophilus should
always be refrigerated for maximum viability. Will Keep indefinitely if frozen.
Kept frozen before shipping to you
Administration as a Feed and Nestling food/hand rearing formula additive:
AVI-CULTURE may be added to or sprinkled on Pellets, moist foods, dry seed, soaked or sprouted seed, fruits,
vegetables, greens (this is my preferred method of administration). You may even add to water (unchlorinated) used to moisten nestling or hand rearing formulas
(use measures for making water solution shown below to moisten), without fear of over dose as follows:
Daily Dosage:
Please note that the measure shipped in jar holds 1 gram of product
*Small Birds (Finches, Canaries, Budgies, etc)...1/4 measure
*Medium Birds (Conures, Cockatiels, Doves, Mynahs, etc)...1/2 measure
*Large Birds (Macaws, Cockatoos, Toucans, etc)...3/4 measure
*Large Zoo Birds (Flamingos, Vultures, Hawks, Owls, etc)...adjust daily dose according to size
Daily Dosage Groups of Birds
*Small Birds (as above)...1 tsp per 100 birds
*Medium Birds (as above)...2 tsp per 100 birds
*Large Birds (as above)...3 tsp per 100 birds
*Zoo Birds (as above)...adjust daily dose according to size
Daily Water Usage
For use in drinking water use 1 measure per quart of unchlorinated drinking water
or 4 measures per gallon of drinking water and shake or stir well.
Solution is imMEDIAtely ready for use. Change Water at least ONCE if not more Daily!
Prepared solution is good for one week when refrigerated.
One 5 ounce jar of product yields 35 gallons of prepared solution
When to Use
Best time to use AVI-CULTURE is before, during and after breeding season,
during the molt, show season, shipping and winter conditioning.
It is especially beneficial right after antibiotic medication treatment.
In other words anytime birds experience stress in their lives.
During periods of extreme stress, dosage should be doubled for the first 10 days of use.
Please note that AVI-CULTURE is not a medication. Prior to use if any bird appears ill or puffy,
consult a veterinarian & suggest a culture be taken and analyzed.
το url της εταιρίας είναι το ακόλουθο:
Avi-culture, The Finest, Live, Avian-Specific Probiotic
AVI-CULTURE™ is a Live Probiotic that was specifically developed for birds!
AVI-CULTURE™ offers aviculturists, vets, zoo curators, and pet owners the finest Probiotic on the market with bacterial counts of over 100 million living organisms for the avian intestine per gram! It is over 100 times more effective than most other probiotic products on the market today!
AVI-CULTURE™ is produced using proven, field-tested microorganisms that have been shown to implant on the villi of the intestinal tract in birds: Lacto-bacillus acidophilus, produces lactic acid and the enzyme amylase during the growth phase of birds; Lactobacillus casei enjoys a wide temperature and pH range during growth and complements L. acidophilus producing lactic acid and amylase in birds; Bifidobacterium bifidium, a delicate microorganism found in mother's milk and human, animal and bird intestines; Enterococcus faecium for lactic acid production in pH ranges of birds similar to L. casei.
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed after any antibiotic treatment of birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for all stressed or sick birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed if birds are “going light”
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed before, during & after the breeding season
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed before, during and after the molt
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed during shipping or exhibiting all birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for “plugged or pasted-up vents”
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed to develop an immunity from pathogens in all birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for all aging birds
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed for prevention of “PMS” Premature Mortality Syndrome
AVI-CULTURE™ is needed to increase & maintain the OPTIMAL HEALTH OF ALL BIRDS
Remember...a little goes a LONG way! REALLY!
AVI-CULTURE is available in 1/2oz, 2oz, 5oz, 10oz and 20oz bottle.
Each 1 gram measure contains over 300 million colony forming units
of living microorganisms avian strain Lactobacillus acidophilus
Storage should be below 50degrees F. All live L. Lactobacillus acidophilus should
always be refrigerated for maximum viability. Will Keep indefinitely if frozen.
Kept frozen before shipping to you
Administration as a Feed and Nestling food/hand rearing formula additive:
AVI-CULTURE may be added to or sprinkled on Pellets, moist foods, dry seed, soaked or sprouted seed, fruits,
vegetables, greens (this is my preferred method of administration). You may even add to water (unchlorinated) used to moisten nestling or hand rearing formulas
(use measures for making water solution shown below to moisten), without fear of over dose as follows:
Daily Dosage:
Please note that the measure shipped in jar holds 1 gram of product
*Small Birds (Finches, Canaries, Budgies, etc)...1/4 measure
*Medium Birds (Conures, Cockatiels, Doves, Mynahs, etc)...1/2 measure
*Large Birds (Macaws, Cockatoos, Toucans, etc)...3/4 measure
*Large Zoo Birds (Flamingos, Vultures, Hawks, Owls, etc)...adjust daily dose according to size
Daily Dosage Groups of Birds
*Small Birds (as above)...1 tsp per 100 birds
*Medium Birds (as above)...2 tsp per 100 birds
*Large Birds (as above)...3 tsp per 100 birds
*Zoo Birds (as above)...adjust daily dose according to size
Daily Water Usage
For use in drinking water use 1 measure per quart of unchlorinated drinking water
or 4 measures per gallon of drinking water and shake or stir well.
Solution is imMEDIAtely ready for use. Change Water at least ONCE if not more Daily!
Prepared solution is good for one week when refrigerated.
One 5 ounce jar of product yields 35 gallons of prepared solution
When to Use
Best time to use AVI-CULTURE is before, during and after breeding season,
during the molt, show season, shipping and winter conditioning.
It is especially beneficial right after antibiotic medication treatment.
In other words anytime birds experience stress in their lives.
During periods of extreme stress, dosage should be doubled for the first 10 days of use.
Please note that AVI-CULTURE is not a medication. Prior to use if any bird appears ill or puffy,
consult a veterinarian & suggest a culture be taken and analyzed.
το url της εταιρίας είναι το ακόλουθο:
Avi-culture, The Finest, Live, Avian-Specific Probiotic