email στην manitoba
@ianos Τελικα πηρε δεκα μερες αλλα απαντησαν
Info - Manitoba srl <
[email protected]>
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2023, 08:56
Subject: RE: Copia di: canary best premium question about nectarmanitoba
Dear Sir,
Please note we get via this inbox many questions and apologies for the delay.
But please note you are summing up the analytical constituents .
Not the composition. Every component/ingredient has a part of those numbers inside it, humidity is in every ingredient, the total of the humidity from all the ingredients combined is 10%.
No company is also providing all the analytical constituents components that’s why you are not at 100%.
What needs to be reported on the packaging is documented by European law, in some cases some data is obligatory in others it’s not.
Hope we have cleared out the request. If not please have a look on google the difference between ingredients and what analytical constituents are
Composition (Ingredients): defines, in descending order (according to weight), all ingredients in the recipe, meat, rice, vegetables, etc. The list of ingredients is important because it allows us to understand the quality of the raw materials used
Analytical constituents: this list shows the nutrient analysis of the finished product, defining the amount of protein, fibre, fats, etc. – the list of analytical constituents is just an
index of quantity, not quality!
Analytical constituents and composition: how to read & understand them (
With kind regards,
Manitoba srl
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2023 12:18 AM
To: Info - Manitoba srl <
[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Copia di: canary best premium question about nectarmanitoba
dear all,
Ten days ago i sent you a communication form through your official site.
Ten days later i have not received any reply at all. i would appreciate your answer.
Best regards
Στις Δευ 20 Μαρ 2023 στις 6:23 μ.μ., ο/η Manitoba s.r.l. <
[email protected]> έγραψε:
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dear all
My question has to do with the analysis of nutritional compotition that is available publicly about the product
Componenti analitici: Proteina greggia 22,0%, Grassi greggi 7,5%, Cellulosa greggia 2,2%, Umidità 10,0%, Ceneri gregge 4,8%, Calcio 0,9%, Fosforo 0,4%.
the question is that if we add all the percentages (22+7.5+2.2+10+4.8+.9+0.4) we get almost 47% . What exactly is the rest 53% and how it is not mentioned in the product label.
Isn't it awkward?
Thank you in advance