Clinical Report
A 7-month-old dusky-headed conure (Aratinga weddelli), weighing 67 g, was presented 4 days after a fall from a shower-curtain rod. Since the fall, the bird exhibited anorexia, loose droppings, and lethargy. The bird's diet consisted of formulated pellets and seeds, and it was housed in a cage in an apartment with no other pets. Two days before presentation, the owner had force fed the bird large pieces of chicken, tuna, and a half clove of garlic. On physical examination, the bird was weak, tachycardic (heart rate = 260 beats/min), fluffed, slightly thin, and 5% dehydrated. Its wings were moderately clipped. Mucous membranes appeared pale, and the urates were red-tinged. The bird was treated with lactated Ringer's solution (3.5 ml SC) and gavage fed with a hand-feeding formula (2 ml PO) (Harrison's Juvenile Formula, HBD International, Brentwood, TN, USA). The bird became dyspneic after handling, and it was immediately placed in an oxygen cage. Dyspnea did not improve with oxygen therapy, and the bird died an hour later. The body was submitted for necropsy.